Daytime Wetting In Children
- Why It Happens & How To Manage

If your child is aged four or above and experiencing urinary incontinence during the day, we have some information and tips that can help you to help them.

Daytime Wetting In Children - Why It Happens & How To Manage

If your child is aged four or above and experiencing urinary incontinence during the day, we have some information and tips that can help you to help them.

One common concern that many parents encounter when raising children is daytime wetting. Daytime wetting happens when a child, who has otherwise been successfully toilet trained, suddenly starts having accidents during the day.

This issue can be distressing for both parents and children, but understanding the causes and learning how to manage it can make all the difference.

We will also note that if your child is experiencing daytime wetting after being successfully trained, or is facing challenges with toilet training past the age of four, it’s recommended you seek medical advice from their doctor.

What causes daytime wetting?

Daytime wetting, also known as urinary incontinence or diurnal enuresis, can be caused by a number of factors. Some of them can be purely physiological, while others may be emotional or behavioural related.

Let’s run through a few of these common causes:

  • Bladder Maturity:
    In some cases, a child's bladder may not be fully developed, leading to an inability to hold urine for an extended period. This is a common cause of daytime wetting in younger children. If this is a concern, speak to your child’s doctor and they will help diagnose this.

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):

    Yes, children can also get UTIs.
    These infections of the urinary tract can irritate the bladder, causing sudden and frequent urges to urinate. Children with UTIs may experience daytime wetting as a result. As for how your child may have gotten a UTI, the most common way is that they have spread bacteria from their bottom to their genital region when wiping on the toilet. Other causes of UTIs can include genetic factors, a blockage in the urinary tract or abnormal urine flow or reflux.

    Signs your child may have a UTI include:

    • Pain or stinging when they urinate

    • A frequent urge to use the toilet

    • Urinating only a little bit, but often

    • Wetting accidents

    • Difficulty getting the urine to start flowing

    • Pink, red or brown urine, or blood in the urine

  • Constipation:
    You may be surprised to learn that constipation can impact bladder control. When your child has a full rectum, it can put pressure on the bladder, leading to leakage or accidents.

    Signs your child may be constipated include:
    • They experience pain or discomfort when passing stool
    • Avoiding doing a poo
    • Small painful tears around their anus, which can bleed
    • Have abdominal pains that come and go
    • Show ‘holding on’ behaviour like rocking or fidgeting, crossing legs or refusing to sit on the toilet

      There are many natural ways to relieve constipation but always speak to your child’s doctor if their constipation isn’t easing, or continues to occur on and off.
  • Stress and Trauma:

    Significant life changes and stressors at home or school can affect a child's ability to control their bladder. Sometimes, daytime wetting can be a manifestation of emotional distress.

    These changes and stressors can involve things such as the birth of a new sibling, divorce or a death in the family. Bullying can also form part of stress-induced wetting so be sure to speak to your child about any bullying they experience and then raise your concerns with their school for mediation.

  • Overactive Bladder:

    This condition (also known as OAB) causes both a sudden and frequent urge to urinate that can be difficult to control. Your child may feel the need to pass urine many times during the day and/or night and may not be able to make it to the toilet every time.

  • Giggle Incontinence:

    This condition refers to involuntary, total urine loss in children and adolescents caused by when they giggle or laugh.

    While giggle incontinence is more often seen in young girls, a single cause is still undetermined. If you’re concerned your child may be experiencing giggle incontinence, speak to their doctor for treatment options.

How can parents manage daytime wetting?

As parents, it's essential to approach daytime wetting with patience and understanding to help your child overcome this challenge.

Here are some strategies you and your child may find helpful:

  • Seek Medical Advice:
    If your child starts experiencing daytime wetting suddenly or frequently, it's crucial to consult a doctor for professional medical advice. They can rule out any underlying medical issues, such as urinary tract infections or constipation, and provide guidance on the appropriate steps to take to manage and treat daytime wetting.

  • Invest in Quality Incontinence Management Products:

    Our range of Magics Youth Pants provides children from ages 4 up to 15 with the ultimate in confidence and comfort when experiencing day or night wetting.

    With patented Magical Tube Technology, these pull-ups quickly contain and absorb liquid to leave your child dry within seconds. Magics look and feel like underwear too, they fit discreetly under clothing and are easy for your child to remove themselves if they need to (if they’re changing at school for example).

    They also feature active odour-locking technology to keep your child fresh throughout the day, which can be especially important if they’re at school and experiencing daytime wetting.

    Dermatologically tested and latex-free, you can trust our Magics are gentle on the skin, allowing for ultimate breathability without the risk of leaks!

  • Encourage Hydration:
    You may notice your child begins to shy away from wanting to drink fluids because they think more fluid equals more risk of wetting. However, maintaining their hydration is key to bladder health, avoiding UTIs and maintaining kidney health.

  • Avoid Bladder Irritants in Their Diet:
    There are food and drinks to avoid to help control incontinence. Known as bladder irritants, some food and drinks can irritate the bladder and exacerbate incontinence symptoms.
    This can include fizzy drinks, highly processed snacks (chips, lollies), caffeine, acidic foods like tomatoes and spicy foods.

  • Create a Positive, Supportive Environment:

    If stress or emotional factors seem to contribute to your child's daytime wetting, create a supportive environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their feelings. Consider talking to a counsellor or psychologist if emotional issues are significant.

    Remember that your child is likely frustrated about the daytime wetting. Offer praise for dry days and reassure them that accidents happen, but you can work together to better manage them.

    By understanding the potential causes behind daytime wetting and choosing a patient and supportive approach, parents can help their children manage this challenging time.

Remember, every child is different, and finding the right solution may take time, but with love and persistence, you can help your child regain their confidence and overcome daytime wetting.

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