How To Manage Incontinence At Home

Whether you’re new to having incontinence or have begun caring for someone with incontinence, we hope you find these tips on how to manage the condition at home helpful.

How To Manage Incontinence At Home

Whether you’re new to having incontinence or have begun caring for someone with incontinence, we hope you find these tips on how to manage the condition at home helpful.

Having effective strategies and schedules for managing incontinence at home can help reduce stress and uncertainty surrounding the condition.

Whether the incontinence is temporary or chronic, knowing how to manage incontinence at home can significantly enhance a person’s quality of life.

By adopting an approach that combines lifestyle modifications, proper hygiene practices, and the use of appropriate aids, people experiencing incontinence can regain their confidence and maintain comfort both home. Here are some of our top tips for managing incontinence at home…

Acceptance of the condition

You must not underestimate the importance of understanding incontinence and accepting it as a part of life. Knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that the condition can be very well managed will help you begin to make peace mentally and emotionally.

This acceptance also paves the way for seeking appropriate help (if and when you need it), adopting necessary lifestyle changes, and implementing effective strategies without hesitation or embarrassment.

Establish a toilet routine

Creating a structured toilet routine can help manage incontinence more effectively. Encourage regular trips to the bathroom, preferably every two to four hours, and before activities that may trigger accidents, such as meals or exercise. Setting a schedule helps regulate bladder function and reduces the risk of unexpected accidents.

Diet and hydration

While some people might initially want to refrain from drinking too much water at the risk of having an accident or leak, you must continue to keep yourself hydrated.

Maintaining a healthy fluid intake is crucial for managing incontinence. For instance, it helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and constipation, both of which can exacerbate incontinence symptoms. However, it's important to balance hydration while avoiding excessive fluid intake, especially before bedtime.

Additionally, certain foods and drinks like caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners can irritate the bladder, worsening incontinence symptoms. Adjusting the diet to include bladder-friendly foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, can be beneficial.

Read more about the food and drinks to avoid to control incontinence.

Pelvic floor exercises

Regular pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles that support bladder control. These exercises involve contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles, which helps improve bladder control and reduce leakage. It’s recommended to perform these exercises multiple times throughout the day.

We recommend that you speak to a pelvic physiotherapist to find out which pelvic floor exercises are best suited to your level of incontinence. However, we also have these pelvic floor exercises for beginners that are safe to try at home.

Personal hygiene

Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential for preventing skin irritations and infections associated with incontinence, such as Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD).

Ensure regular and thorough cleaning of the genital area with mild soap and water. Pat the area dry gently, and consider using a moisture barrier cream to protect the skin from irritation.

Absorbent products

A wide range of absorbent products, such as pull-up pants, all-in-one slips, pads and guards are available to manage incontinence effectively and allow you to go about your day-to-day comfortably.

Choose the appropriate product based on the level of incontinence and individual needs. Well-fitting and comfortable products are essential to prevent leaks and maintain your dignity and confidence.

Here at ConfidenceClub, we can help you find your fit. You can take our simple but comprehensive Help Me Choose quiz. This self-led questionnaire while ask you a short series of questions and then suggest products that suit the information you provide us. It’s that easy!

If you find you need extra support or have any questions, we also have a wonderful team of experienced product specialists who can also recommend products based on your level of incontinence. You can contact us Monday-Saturday via telephone, email, WhatsApp or online chat.

We really do take the guesswork out of choosing incontinence products and help you live more confidently!

Bathroom safety

Making necessary modifications to the bathroom can enhance safety and convenience for individuals with incontinence - particularly anyone with impacted mobility.

Consider installing wall-mounted grab bars near the toilet, using non-slip mats, and ensuring adequate lighting can help prevent accidents and provide peace of mind. If you have a carer who assists you when using the bathroom, ensure they don’t rush you to avoid any accidents or falls. Having some music playing in the bathroom can also help relax and calm the atmosphere.

Odour control and product disposal

Incontinence can, at times, be accompanied by unpleasant odours. If you experience this, don’t worry, there are plenty of simple ways to manage. Odour-control products, such as air fresheners or odour-neutralising sprays, will help maintain a fresh and pleasant environment at home.

Properly disposing of used absorbent products is also crucial in minimising odour. If there is excess faecal matter in your pull-up or slip, ensure this is flushed down the toilet as it’ll reduce odour when disposing of the product.

Wrap or roll the product into itself to help contain the odours. You can use the side tabs on slips to fasten the sides closed, or the sticky underside of a pad, for example. Our range of Dailee pads, pull-ups and slips - and our Magics Youth Pants - all have a special odour-locking technology that helps neutralise odours for up to 12 hours!

You can also place your soiled product/s into a heavy-duty, opaque disposal bag before putting them in the garbage bin. This is both a discreet and odour-locking way to dispose of your products. Also, be sure to empty your household bins regularly.

Ongoing care and support

Always consult healthcare professionals, such as urologists, continence nurses, or physiotherapists, for a comprehensive assessment and personalised management plan. They can offer expert advice, prescribe medication if necessary, and recommend specialised treatments, such as bladder training or electrical stimulation therapy.

Living with incontinence can be emotionally challenging. Seek support from friends, family, or support groups to share experiences and gain encouragement. Emotional support can significantly contribute to overall well-being and confidence in managing incontinence at home.

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